Home » Animal and Nature » 60+ Hilarious Monkey Jokes That Will Make You Go Bananas!

60+ Hilarious Monkey Jokes That Will Make You Go Bananas!

Cartoon jungle scene

I’ve always loved a good laugh, and what’s funnier than monkey jokes? These primate-inspired punchlines never fail to bring a smile to my face. Whether you’re a fan of wordplay or slapstick humor, there’s a monkey joke out there for everyone.

In this article, I’ll share some of my favorite monkey jokes and explain why they’re so hilarious. You’ll learn:

  • The best monkey jokes for all ages
  • Why monkey humor is so appealing
  • How to craft your monkey-themed jokes

15+ Primate Species Wordplay

  1. What do you call a monkey’s uncle? A Gorilla My Dreams!
  2. Why don’t monkeys wear hats? They prefer to go ape-ril!
  3. How do monkeys get down the stairs? They slide down the bananister!
  4. What’s a monkey’s favorite dessert? Banana split!
  5. Why did the monkey quit his job? He was going bananas!
  6. What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear? Anything you want, he can’t hear you!
  7. How do monkeys make toast? They put it under a gorilla!
  8. What’s a monkey’s favorite dance move? The Ape-Walk!
  9. Why don’t monkeys play cards in the jungle? Too many cheetahs!
  10. What do you call a monkey in a minefield? A baboom!
  11. Why don’t monkeys wear shoes? They prefer to go barefoot!
  12. What’s a monkey’s favorite type of music? Jungle beats!
  13. Why did the monkey cross the road? To prove to the possum it could be done!
  14. What do you call a monkey with a time machine? A prime-mate!
  15. Why don’t monkeys use computers? They prefer to swing on the web!
  16. What’s a monkey’s favorite snack? Chocolate chimp cookies!
  17. How do monkeys get their exercise? They do chin-panzees!
  18. What do you call a monkey that sells potato chips? A chimp off the old block!
  19. Why don’t monkeys wear glasses? They’ve got perfect ape-sight!

10 Banana-Related Puns

  1. Why did the monkey go bananas? He couldn’t find his bunch!
  2. What’s a monkey’s favorite fruit? A ba-na-na split!
  3. How do monkeys make banana smoothies? They use their ap-peel!
  4. Why don’t monkeys slip on banana peels? They’ve got a good grip on things!
  5. What did the banana say to the monkey? Nothing, bananas can’t talk!
  6. How do monkeys pay for their bananas? With monkey-bills!
  7. Why did the monkey put a banana in his ear? He was trying to produce eardrum beats!
  8. What’s a monkey’s favorite dance move? The banana split!
  9. Why did the monkey cross the road? To get to the banana stand!
  10. How do monkeys stay healthy? They eat a ba-na-na day!

These banana-related monkey puns are sure to ap-peel to your sense of humor! They’re a great way to add some fruity fun to your joke repertoire. Remember, when it comes to monkey jokes, it’s all about going bananas with wordplay and silly scenarios.

9 Tree-Swinging Puns

  1. Why don’t monkeys play tennis? They prefer to branch out into other sports!
  2. What’s a monkey’s favorite dance move? The vine twist!
  3. How do monkeys get around the jungle? They use tree-mail!
  4. What did the monkey say when it fell from the tree? “I’m leaf-ing now!”
  5. Why are monkeys great at climbing? They have tree-mendous skills!
  6. What’s a monkey’s favorite type of music? Jungle jazz!
  7. How do monkeys stay cool in the forest? They use palm fronds!
  8. Why did the monkey start a garden? To grow-rilla his own food!
  9. What do you call a monkey’s treehouse? A branch office!

9 Monkey Behavior Humor

  1. Why don’t monkeys use smartphones? They prefer banana-phones!
  2. How do monkeys stay fit? They do ape-robics!
  3. What’s a monkey’s favorite TV show? Swing-feld!
  4. Why are monkeys great at math? They’re experts at tree-gonometry!
  5. What do you call a monkey’s morning routine? Grooming and zoom-ing!
  6. How do monkeys communicate in the jungle? They use sign lang-wag-e!
  7. Why don’t monkeys ever get lost? They always follow their in-stincts!
  8. What’s a monkey’s favorite game? Monkey see, monkey do-dge ball!
  9. How do monkeys stay cool in the summer? They use palm fronds!

These puns highlight typical monkey behaviors humorously. They blend common monkey traits with wordplay, creating amusing jokes about their habits and lifestyle.

15 Zoo Animal Wordplay

  1. What did the monkey say to the giraffe? “Neck time, let’s hang out!”
  2. Why don’t elephants use computers? They’re afraid of the mouse!
  3. How do you catch a squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a nut!
  4. What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!
  5. Why don’t oysters donate to charity? Because they’re shellfish!
  6. What do you call a sleeping bull? A bulldozer!
  7. Why don’t ants get sick? They have tiny ant-ibodies!
  8. What do you call a monkey’s uncle? A gorilla my dreams!
  9. Why don’t fish wear makeup? Because they’re already scaled!
  10. What do you call a zookeeper’s favorite shoes? Sneakers!
  11. Why don’t tigers play fair? They’re always lion!
  12. What do you call a penguin in the Sahara Desert? Lost!
  13. Why don’t snakes have arms? They’re not shoulder snakes!
  14. What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato!
  15. Why don’t hippos wear hats? They’d sink in the river!

5 Evolutionary Jokes

  1. Why did the monkey evolve opposable thumbs? To better grip those banana branches!
  2. What did the ancient monkey say to Darwin? “I’m not monkeying around with evolution!”
  3. How did monkeys learn to swing through trees? They evolved a real knack for branch management!
  4. Why don’t monkeys believe in evolution? They’re too busy being the missing link!
  5. What’s a monkey’s favorite theory? The Big Banana Theory of evolution!

These evolutionary monkey jokes blend science and humor, showcasing the playful side of primate development. They’re perfect for lightening up conversations about natural selection or simply enjoying a good laugh about our simian cousins.

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