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Handy Humor: 50+ Hilarious Hand Puns to High-Five About

hands as characters

Ready to lend a hand with some hilarious wordplay? Hand puns are a handy way to add humor to any conversation. As someone who’s always reaching for a good laugh, I’ve collected some of the best hand-related jokes and puns to share with you.

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • A handful of clever hand puns
  • Tips for crafting your hand-related wordplay
  • How to use these puns to break the ice in social situations

20 Finger Jokes

  1. I’m not pointing fingers, but I know who’s to blame.
  2. That joke was so bad, it deserves a thumbs down.
  3. I’m all thumbs when it comes to typing.
  4. He’s always sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. Talk about being nosy!
  5. She’s got her finger on the pulse of the latest trends.
  6. Don’t worry, I’ve got this situation under my thumb.
  7. When it comes to playing piano, he’s all fingers and thumbs.
  8. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been wrong.
  9. He’s always twiddling his thumbs instead of working.
  10. She’s got her fingers in many pies.
  11. I’m stumped. This puzzle has me scratching my head.
  12. That’s a handy trick to have up your sleeve.
  13. He’s all thumbs when it comes to fixing things.
  14. I can’t put my finger on what’s wrong, but something feels off.
  15. She’s got him wrapped around her little finger.
  16. Don’t point the finger at me; I’m innocent!
  17. He’s always giving everyone the finger. How rude!
  18. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for good luck.
  19. She’s got a green thumb when it comes to gardening.
  20. He’s always sticking his finger in the pie before it’s done.

25 Palm Reading Wordplay

  1. I’m not sure if palm reading is accurate, but I’ve got to hand it to them.
  2. Palm readers always seem to have a firm grasp on the situation.
  3. My fortune teller’s predictions are never off by more than a handful.
  4. When it comes to palm reading, I’m always open to new lines of thought.
  5. The palm reader told me my future looks bright, but I think she’s just palming me off.
  6. I asked the palm reader about my love life, and she said it’s written all over my hand.
  7. Palm readers are great at getting a grip on people’s personalities.
  8. The fortune teller’s predictions were so accurate, I had to give her a round of applause.
  9. When it comes to palm reading, some people just can’t handle the truth.
  10. I’m not sure if I believe in palm reading, but I’ll never say never – that’s my policy.
  11. The palm reader told me I’d be rich someday. I hope she wasn’t just feeding me a line.
  12. Palm readers always seem to know how to read between the lines.
  13. I asked the fortune teller about my career, and she said success was within my grasp.
  14. When it comes to palm reading, some people just can’t seem to get a handle on it.
  15. The palm reader told me I had a long lifeline, but I think she was just stringing me along.
  16. Palm readers are always ready to lend a helping hand when it comes to your future.
  17. I’m not sure if palm reading is real, but I’ve got to admit, it’s pretty handy.
  18. The fortune teller said my future was in my hands, but I think she was just palming me off.
  19. Palm readers are great at getting to the heart of the matter.
  20. When it comes to palm reading, some people just can’t seem to grasp the concept.
  21. The palm reader told me I had a bright future ahead, but I think she was just trying to palm me off.
  22. I asked the fortune teller about my health, and she said it was all in my hands.
  23. Palm readers always seem to have their finger on the pulse of people’s lives.
  24. When it comes to palm reading, some people just can’t seem to get a grip on reality.
  25. The palm reader told me I’d find true love soon, but I think she was just trying to get a handle on my wallet.

9 Handshake Puns

  1. “Let’s shake on it – I promise not to palm you off!”
  2. “I’ve got to hand it to you, that’s a firm grip!”
  3. “This handshake is so weak, it’s practically armless!”
  4. “Your handshake game is strong – you must be a real grip-master!”
  5. “I’m not sure if we should shake hands or high-five – let’s call it a tie!”
  6. “That handshake was so long, I thought we were arm wrestling!”
  7. “Your handshake is like a vise grip – are you trying to crush my dreams?”
  8. “I’d shake your hand, but I’m afraid you might steal my thunder!”
  9. “Your handshake is so cold, did you just come from the North Pole?”

12 Nail-Related Puns

Get ready to polish your sense of humor with these nail-biting puns:

  1. I’m not one to point fingers, but that manicure looks sharp!
  2. Don’t worry, I’ll file that complaint away for later.
  3. You really nailed that presentation!
  4. I can’t put my finger on it, but something about this situation feels off.
  5. That joke was so funny, I nearly split my sides!
  6. I’m head over heels for your new nail art design.
  7. Let’s not get into a sticky situation here.
  8. You’ve got to hand it to them, they really know how to cuticle.
  9. I’m sorry, but your excuses just won’t cut it.
  10. That argument was pretty pointless, don’t you think?
  11. I’ve got a handle on this situation, no need to get bent out of shape.
  12. Your DIY manicure skills are really growing on me.

These nail puns are sure to leave your friends in stitches. Use them wisely, and you’ll be the life of any party.

7 Hand Gesture Wordplay

  1. “I’m waving goodbye to my old job. It’s time for a new hand-le on life!”
  2. “Don’t thumbs down my idea just yet. Give it a chance to grow on you.”
  3. “I’m all fingers and thumbs today. Can’t seem to get a grip on anything!”
  4. “High five for that awesome performance! You really knocked it out of the park.”
  5. “Stop twiddling your thumbs and get to work. We’ve got a deadline to meet!”
  6. “I’m giving you the thumbs up on that proposal. It’s a real winner!”
  7. “Let’s join hands and work together. We’ll make a great team!”

9 Glove Puns

  1. I’m not trying to glove you the wrong impression, but these puns are handy!
  2. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with these glove puns – they fit like a… well, you know.
  3. These jokes are so good, you’ll be gloved to your seat!
  4. I’m not kidding around – these glove puns are sure to warm your hands and your heart.
  5. You’ve got to hand it to me, I really know how to finger out the best glove jokes.
  6. These puns are so smooth, they’ll slide right onto your hands like a well-oiled glove.
  7. I’m not trying to palm these jokes off on you, but they’re truly gripping!
  8. Don’t let these puns slip through your fingers – they’re too good to miss!
  9. These glove puns are so hot, you might need to wear oven mitts to handle them!

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